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Terrington St Clement Community School

A traditional school with traditional values where

we aspire, succeed and thrive

Successful swimming gala

Well done to everyone who took part in the swimming gala on Friday 24th January.  Keep reading for all the results!

Here are the results from the swimming gala.  All of the winners will go through and represent Terrington Cluster on Wednesday 12th February as one team.  Year 5's will not be swimming on that date.


Yr 4 25M BUTTERFLY GIRLS Lucy Witting 1st
Yr 4 25MBUTTERFLY BOYS James Eve 3rd
Yr 5 25M BUTTERFLY GIRLS Libby Poole 2nd
Yr 5 25M BUTTERFLY BOYS Henry Boud 2nd
Yr 6 25M BUTTERFLY GIRLS Eloise Rix 2nd
Yr 6 25M BUTTERFLY BOYS Oliver Hunt 2nd
Yr 4 25M BACKSTROKE GIRLS Jessie Pack 1st
Yr 4 25M BACKSTROKE BOYS Liam Clare 1st
Yr 5 25M BACKSTROKE GIRLS Jasmine Harper 2nd
Yr 5 25M BACKSTROKE BOYS Coby Ward 2nd
Yr 6 25M BACKSTROKE GIRLS Harley Stone 3rd
Yr 6 25M BACKSTROKE BOYS Arthur Knight 3rd
Yr 4 25M BREASTSTROKE GIRLS Elaine Defty 2nd
Yr 4 25M BREASTSTROKE BOYS Shane Gilboy 1st
Yr 5 25M BREASTSTROKE GIRLS Jasmine Harper 3rd
Yr 5 25M BREASTSTROKE BOYS Yannis Gawens 1st
Yr 6 25M BREASTSTROKE GIRLS Holly Moore 1st
Yr 6 25M BREASTSTROKE BOYS Liam Wagg 1st
Yr 4 25M FRONTCRAWL GIRLS Ella Southerland 2nd
Yr 4 25M FRONTCRAWL BOYS Will Evans 4th
Yr 5 25M FRONTCRAWL GIRLS Elizabeth Wood 1st
Yr 5 25M FRONTCRAWL BOYS Lucas Yeung 3rd
Yr 6 25M FRONTCRAWL GIRLS Eloise Cumming 2nd
Yr 6 25M FRONTCRAWL BOYS Oliver Witting 1st
Yr 4 4x25M RELAY MIXED Lucy, Liam, Will and Jessie 2nd
Yr 5 4X25M RELAY MIXED Elizabeth, Lucas, Libby, Elliott 2nd
Yr 6 4x25M RELAY MIXED Oliver, Arthur, Eloise, Arthur 1st